

mi shack is a collaborative as opposed to competitive process. This spirit enables us to bring like-minded individuals together as one collective team. By working closely with selected partners we can ensure quality outcomes that enhance your living experience and provide quality design to the built environment as a whole. Investing in a mi shack is investing in architecture, allowing you to create a more aesthetic outcome for all to enjoy. You now have access to a design solution with ‘soul’ and no longer have to settle for low quality or ill considered designs purely because of a lack of options in the market place.




You’ve checked your favourite surf break, worked out the best place to sit in the line up and you’re ready to ‘get shacked.` Just like a morning surf check, our Map iT service puts you in the best position before you’ve even been dumped by the shore break. In Map iT we perform some preliminary due diligence, create a shack map, place it on your site and give you a budget estimate all for only a small token fee but a lot of peace of mind. And what’s better than a good surf? A good surf followed by a good coffee of course! We’d love to meet you over a hot bevvy and salted caramel slice and discuss your ideas. It goes without saying that we know the best coffee places in town. Time to wax up, zip up and get your hit of caffeine.



Paddling into a line up of possibility can be a daunting task for anyone. Where do I take off? Will I go over the falls in a ‘Grand Designs’ nightmare? That’s why we’ve come up with a hassle free design process in which all of the things you need to consider are preconfigured within the system. Map it. Zone it. Style it. Pimp it. Following these four simple steps, together we’ll map out the plan, arrange the interior layout, style the look and create the vibe. We’ll take into account the solar orientation, site conditions and regulations governing your site and will provide you with all the documentation needed for planning approval (if required), a specification of selections and finishes and even a funky real time interactive 3D digital shack model to play with. We place you in the line up and select your waves – all you’ve gotta do is pick the one that feels right and enjoy the glide.



For a proper surf you need the right equipment and years of practice swallowing sea water. Experience goes a long way and our team of ‘Shackinistas’ – designers, builders and sub-consultants are experts at converting your design concept into a set of construction documents ready for contract and building permit submission. They’ve got you sorted and know which wave to select and how deep to sit in the take off zone and will be involved in the process from the beginning to the end. Time to drop the mouse, pick up the board and get wet.



Riding the wave of construction can be a nail biting adventure for anyone but we know the break, we know the reef below and we would never make you paddle out into something you’re not ready for. We’ll keep an eye on the conditions ensuring your wave of construction is peeling smoothly down the line and rolling out as expected and scheduled.



Time to share a drink and fire up the barbie proudly looking back with a smile and a tear thinking ‘Was that it?’ Out in the line up waves can look bigger and the reef much gnarlier than they did from the beach. However, once you get over the nerves and paddle into that first wave, the excitement takes over and you simply enjoy the thrill of the ride. Building a home is no different and we appreciate that it can be scary in the beginning but once you’ve dived into the water you just gotta go with the ‘Flow’ and you’ll look back and laugh about being scared in the first place.